Clary Sage, the best oil for cooling menopausal heat.
by David Crow, L.Ac.
Sweetly herbaceous with notes of tea and wine, clary sage essential oil boasts the rare ability to
soothe the stressed nerves and emotions provoked by the hormonal cycle, and has earned the
oil the affectionate sobriquet, the "woman's oil". Steam-distilled from the flowers, the distinct
tea-like floral notes of clary sage essential oil are the signal that deep emotional clearing and
relaxation are on the way.
Long considered "woman's oil", clary sage's benefits lie in its calming influence on the body and
mind, along with supporting emotional and feminine functions. Clary sage is a commonly used
oil in massage oils to induce all-over body comfort and ease, especially where there may be
excess heat. As a cooling oil, clary assists with red, upset skin. Employed in the diffuser, you will
find it offers soothing relief when used as needed.
Clary sage has been used as a therapeutic and medicinal plant for centuries; its use has been documented back to ancient Mediterranean empires. The plant was revered both in the Roman and Greek empires, where it was listed as a potent herb. In the Middle Ages clary sage was frequently used for its medical properties in various forms of preparation.
Current scientific studies have confirmed that clary sage is a plant with many therapeutic actions. In aromatherapy, clary sage essential oil is recognized for its benefic effects on the mind and spirit. Clary sage essential oil has become more and more popular over the years. The plant is currently cultivated in various parts around the world, especially in temperate regions.
Specific Therapeutic Actions of Clary Sage
Respiratory: Clary sage has antispasmodic properties, and it reduces bronchial spasms during asthma.
Circulatory: This herbal essential oil has stimulating properties. It stimulates peripheral circulation, attenuates varicose veins, soothes hemorrhoids, and reduces broken capillaries.
Musculoskeletal: Clary sage alleviates muscular aches and pains, relieves stiff joints and muscles, aids in arthritis and rheumatism, and soothes sore muscles. This oil has antispasmodic properties
Endocrine/reproductive system: Clary sage is renowned for balancing female hormones. It regulates menstruation, soothes menstrual cramps, and calms hot flashes. This essential oil is beneficial for the symptoms of PMS and menopause, and it is an aphrodisiac.
Skin: Clary sage essential oil soothes and reduces skin conditions associated with stress and anxiety, alleviates psoriasis, has antioxidant and anti-aging properties, regulates sebum production, helps in acne treatment, and treats excessive dryness.
Nervous System: This nervine essential oil is soothing, calming, and euphoric. It is a potent antidepressant that reduces stress and anxiety, calms anger, and reduces irritation. Clary sage helps relieve exhaustion and fatigue and generally balances emotions.
Energetic: Clary sage enhances euphoria, and induces positive moods, emotions and mental states.
Clary sage balances the vata, pitta and kapha. It helps in vata and pitta excess associated with irritability, anger, spasms and pain.
Traditional Chinese Medicine:
In TCM, clary sage strengthens and encourages circulation of Qi. It supports blood circulation, being used to treat menstrual irregularities. It calms and soothes the Shen (mind).
Clary Sage Recipes
Clary sage oil can be applied topically (diluted), included in creams and lotions, in the bath, through direct inhalation, or diffuser.
To relieve menstrual cramps, try the following recipe:
- 4 drops clary sage essential oil
- 2 drops fennel essential oil
- 2 drops geranium essential oil
- 1 tablespoon carrier oil
Massage this menstrual cramp relief blend gently on the abdomen as needed.
Mood Balancing Blend
- 4 drops clary sage
- 8 drops bergamot
- 2 drops jasmine
When moods are out of balance, and you need a quick uplift, add a few drops of this essential oil blend into your diffuser, rub between the palms for direct inhalation, or combine with a carrier oil for a euphoric massage.
Clary sage blends very well with floral oils, as well as citrus oils. Add a few drops to your next uplifting essential oil blend for an added boost of mental wellbeing.
For the highest quality organic Clary Sage essential oil, be sure to purchase from Anima Mundi Herbals!