"Frankincense is one of the world’s oldest and most famous items of commerce. For over a thousand years, the resin has been carried by camel caravan from the remote harvesting regions in the desert to the far corners of Asia. Navigating by stars, the ancient traders made their way across the sands of the Sahara, following a network of secret cisterns built to collect the precious scanty rain. Every year large shipments of the treasured resin tears found their way into the cities of northern Africa, to be sold in markets from Rome to Beijing."
– excerpted from Frankincense by David Crow, L.Ac.
In this video, I not only explain the many medicinal uses of various forms of Frankincense, but I specifically instruct you on how to use a revolutionary new medicine that was formulated for Floracopeia.
This medicine was introduced shortly before Floracopeia stopped selling products to the general public. However, I am happy to announce that it is once again available to purchase - at cost - while supplies last.
Please watch this informative and instructional video before purchasing: