A Gentle Detox Formula

recipes Apr 07, 2023

Happy Spring to Everyone!

This is the best season to focus on doing a gentle detox that will help to flush out toxins that may have accumulated during the winter months when we were not as active and, perhaps, eating less mindfully. Now is the time to shake off accumulated sludge and embrace the fresh energy and promise of Spring.

With that in mind, here is a gentle detox formula from David’s upcoming class, “Natural Detoxification.”

It is easy to prepare and has a mild and nutty flavor that is rather enjoyable!


1 Tablespoon dried alfalfa

1 Tablespoon dried cleavers

1 Tablespoon dried cornsilk

1 Tablespoon dried nettle leaves

8 oz. filtered water, brought to a boil

  1. Place the herbs into a French press*, and cover with hot water.
  2. Allow to steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Drink ½ cup 3 – 4 times a day before or between meals.
  4. Use up to two weeks to gently support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

*You can also use a teapot, and strain out the liquid when ready.


Alfalfa is used as a cure for a wide variety of conditions. It cleanses the blood, treats anemia, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Alfalfa may be an ideal long-term tea herb for osteoporosis. It contains minerals, isoflavones, coumestrol, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, loliolide, vitamin K, and vitamin D, which are rare in higher plants.


Cleavers is one of the most popular therapeutic herbs for the urinary tract and the lymphatic system due to its affinity for these systems. Modern research identified several active phytochemicals beneficial for the urinary, circulatory and digestive system. It is especially valuable in the treatment of inflammatory urinary conditions. Due to its affinity to the lymphatic system, it is also used to treat poor lymphatic circulation. 


Cornsilk is used for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and affinity to the excretory system. Corn silk is used to treat a wide array of urinary tract ailments, such as urinary tract infections, urinary inflammation, and bladder gravel (small stones). Corn silk is also traditionally used as a blood cleanser and circulatory tonic.


Nettle is a blood strengthener and purifier. It is also used for respiratory problems such as colds, chest infections, asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and flu.




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