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Daisy Lee and David Crow in conversation about the Chakras, Daoism, and Quigong

Recently, I sat down with Daisy Lee of Radiant Lotus Qigong for a wonderful conversation about...

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A Classical View of The Chakras System and Essential Oils

by David Crow, L.Ac.

The contemporary chakra system is a mixture of numerous influences both...

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Three Simple Cooling Drinks recipes

by Karen Wang

As the sun beats down and temperatures soar during this sweltering summer, one of...

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Herbs That Really Work: Three Herbal Formulas For Common Digestive Problems herbs that really work recipes

by David Crow, L.Ac


A Simple Formula for Dyspepsia

Mix equal parts of caraway seeds,...

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Celery Root and Sweet Potato Mash recipes

Original recipe by Karen Wang, Certified Nutritionist & Chef

About Celery Root

One of the...

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Detoxification and Clinical Level Selfcare

By David Crow, L.Ac.

Detoxification practices and products are extremely popular, but are...

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Mushrooms and Solomon's Seal Tonic recipes

By Karen Wang, Therapeutic Chef & Nutritionist

This simple and nourishing tonic is easy to...

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Herbs That Really Work: Cleavers herbs that really work

Cleavers (Galium aparine)

Cleavers is an annual, herbaceous plant of the family Rubiaceae. The...

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Mighty Cilantro & Basil Pesto recipes

by Karen Wang, author of Happy Foods - 100 Mood-Boosting Recipes

This delicious, dairy-free...

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Gomashio (or Gomasio) recipes

by Karen Wang, author of Happy Foods - 100 Mood-Boosting Recipes

What is Gomashio?


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Herbs That Really Work: Frankincense herbs that really work

"Frankincense is one of the world’s oldest and most famous items of commerce. For over a...

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Herbs That Really Work: Vetiver, Fragrance of The Soil herbs that really work


“All creatures are born of the earth, and nourished by her rich flavors. “I am...

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